The Labin Region, an ecologically vulnerable geographical area in Croatia: Mortality characteristics in an area polluted by industrial over a 40-year period

Submitted: 18 February 2022
Accepted: 28 March 2022
Published: 17 May 2022
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The history of the Labin region in Croatia includes intensive industrial development with repercussions of pollution on environment and health. Assuming that prolonged exposure to polluted environments causes qualitative changes in mortality, the aim was to analyse the mortality characteristics of the population of the Labin Region for the 1968-2008 period based on data from the Croatian Bureau of Statistics. Public health and social opportunities in this geographical area carry a long-term burden of exposure to an industrial polluted environment with outcomes expressed by mortality or/and morbidity in the population. This study includes data on 11,903 deaths, most of which due to diseases of the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems as well as neoplasms. In the third and fourth decade of the study period, a group of neoplasms showed significant increases, while the increase in respiratory diseases were more gradual. The female population died mostly from diseases of the circulatory and endocrine system as well as neoplasms, while the male population mainly died from diseases of the digestive system and external causes. This research provides guidelines that could create better public health, raising the quality of life and contribute to a future environmental protection in local communities by targeted policies.



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How to Cite

Buterin, T., Doričić, R., Broznić, D., Ćorić, T., & Muzur, A. (2022). The Labin Region, an ecologically vulnerable geographical area in Croatia: Mortality characteristics in an area polluted by industrial over a 40-year period. Geospatial Health, 17(1).